Vice President - Chelsea Watson
Email Chelsea Watson
Born and raised in Colorado, my life has always revolved around animals,
from dogs to cats to reptiles to birds. As an illustrator and graphic designer,
they are always my subjects. I’ve had my foot in the dog world thanks to my
mom and gained experience with multiple breeds, especially Alaskan Malamutes and German Shepherds.
I first discovered the Alaskan Klee Kai when they were added to an online dog showing/breeding game in 2005, and fell in love with the idea of a “mini mal”. I knew I would eventually have one and “it would be the only small dog I will ever get.” Over a decade later, by happenstance, I met Chris and Eileen, who lived just down the road! Chris invited me over so I could meet the breed, and fell head over heels after seeing they were much smaller (and cuter) in-person. It just wasn’t the right time though.
Opportunity came knocking in early 2022 and I was contacted about a nice boy from ICE Alaskan Klee Kai. After making some arrangements, two days later, I was off to Cañon City, CO, to pick up the party animal lovingly named Kaiser. Reintroducing the world of conformation and the new terrain of sports to my life, my passion for dogs reignited.
Now made a recent Okie, I have more resources at my disposal, from land to building space to training opportunities to connections. I am excited for the new doors we can unlock and open for this breed together! I am very honored for being invited to join the board and continue to contribute to the success of the breed.