Secretary - Lizabeth Nickless
Email Lizabeth Nickless
Lizabeth started showing dogs in AKC and UKC in 2003, which is when she met the
Alaskan Klee Kai and absolutely fell in love, telling herself that “someday” she would
love to have one. In 2015, with her Basenji, she joined the BCOA (Basenji Club of America);
volunteering for everything from coursing, conformation, and “fun” events like meet the
breeds and holiday parties. Her first MTB (Meet the Breed) was in 2016 and in 2017 she became the Public Education Committee Chair and was responsible for coordinating all the AKC MTB events nationwide. She has also coordinated the creation of brief educational fliers for these events. In 2016 she joined a newly formed regional club and became the secretary for that club in 2023. Through her work with the Club, she has gained extensive experience in hosting specialties, show chairing and coordinating performance events. She has volunteered on committees and/or as committee chair for the Vendor Committee, African Stock Exhibition, Silent Auction table set up, Online Auction Fundraisers, Trophy Committee and Merchandise Committee at many national specialties along with being involved with the breeder education, the judge’s education, and the health committees.
In 2022 she joined AKKCOA and in 2023, she brought home her first AKK, Agatha “Aggie”, who has helped open the door to a whole new breed community. They have enjoyed every step from attending local UKC shows, meeting new friends, attending Meet the Breeds, and going to their first UKC Premiere together. She wants to see the AKK breed succeed and would love the opportunity to assist by sharing her extensive AKC and AKC Parent Club knowledge and experience as a member of the AKKCOA BOD. She has a solid background of knowledge on many AKC related things, extensive experience with various positions and levels within a breed club and has a lot of resources and connections that she believes would be beneficial to the future of the Alaskan Klee Kai and AKKCOA. She looks forward to having the opportunity to serve our BOD, Members, and doing what’s best for our beloved dogs.