AKKCOA's First AKC FSS Open Specialty
Friday September 16, 2022
Purina Farms Event Center
200 Checkerboard Dr, Gray Summit, MO
AKKCOA's First AKC FSS Open AKK Specialty
Show Chair: Sherry Holloway Show Secretary: Jelayne Nygren Calbri
Best in Specialty Show Best of Opposite

Best of Puppy 6-9 Months

Best of 12-18 Months
Best of Bred-By-Exhibitor

Best of Open
Best of Veteran 7+ years

In-Person Membership Meeting
September 17, 2022 4:00 CT
Pacific Community Park, Burns Pavilion
707 W Congress St, Pacific MO
Special guest: Linda Spurlin - Breed Developer
AKKCOA members joined us for our year in review, goals for the future,
and open floor questions, answers and discussions.
1st Annual Pot Luck Dinner
Open to all following the meeting
The Smoked Pork BBQ from Tim and Sherry Holloway was delicious, as were all the drinks,
salads, side dishes, snacks and desserts which were brought by members to share.
We had door prizes and fun, good education, good food, good dogs, and good friends.
Thank you to everyone who contributed!

Such a Surprise!
Thank you to the Three Rivers Kennel Club and Colette Weishaar
for your generosity in working with us and AKC to add AKC FSS Open Shows
to your All Breed Shows on September 17-18, 2022; and for working with us to
add our First AKC FSS Open Breed Specialty on September 16, 2022.
You are wonderful to work with and we appreciate your help so very much!
Looking forward to doing this again!
Incredible raffle items, baskets and donations were made that caught the attention of
everyone at the show! The raffle was held all weekend with tickets drawn on Sunday morning.
The raffle and Alaskan Klee Kai Information booth exceeded our expectations
and brought in many exhibitors, vendors, dog enthusiasts, and judges to learn about our breed.
Thank you Mary Kane, Kim Mix, and Trish Goad for all your hard work!

Thank you everyone!!!