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While in Miscellaneous Class the club will be working with a Delegate from the Parent Club Delegate Sub-Committee, to gain further understanding of the responsibilities of a Parent Club, and provide mentoring to the club to gain full AKC recognition and membership status with the AKC.  


A delegate will also work with the parent club to develop judge education information and documentation, following AKC rules and guidelines.




FSS to Miscellaneous Class Status



  • AKKCOA Parent Club is designated to represent the breed in AKC.

  • The Club has balloted the membership to seek AKC recognition.

  • Breed Standard has been revised to meet the AKC Breed Standard Guidelines and approved by AKC staff and Club membership. 

  • Officer and Board of Directors List with full contact information on file and updated with AKC annually or when an officer/board position changes.

  • Club Membership List with full contact information, year joined the club, and designations for breeders, exhibitors, dog owners and judges on file with AKC and updated annually.

  • Publish Quarterly Newsletter (can be electronic) - provide copies to AKC along with any other public columns.  

  • Form & Report some active committees like health, membership, education, etc.​

  • Holding Regular Club Meetings and Board Meetings for two (2) years - Submitting the meeting minutes, including financial information, for the AKC files.

  • Demonstration & Reporting that members are actively involved as breeders, determined by an increase in dogs and litters enrolled in AKC Foundation Stock Service.

  • Promoting the Breed, Shows and Activities to Breeders, to Owners and to the Public.

  • Members are encouraged and Reported actively participating in the Club, AKC Companion event competitions such as agility, obedience, rally, tracking and any other events in which the breed is eligible.

  • Documentation of club events conducted, or in which the breed has participated, such as shows, matches, judge education, seminars, Meet The Breeds, Responsible Dog Ownership Events or other opportunities to educate the public about the breed. 

  • Minimum of 150 dogs enrolled with three-generation pedigrees.
  • Formal presentation for AKC club status is sent to Club Relations for review.

  • Submit request to the AKC Board to move into Miscellaneous Class – date of entry January 1, or on or about July 1.

  • Continued participation in Events and enrolling dogs and litters in the Foundation Stock Service registrations.


The AKC recognition process begins with the breed

being admitted to the Miscellaneous Class.



July 28, 2024 - Submitted request for AKC to move the AKK Breed from FSS Class to

Miscellaneous Class, with:  (1) National Parent Club Approval Letter, (2) Board of Directors list with required information, (3) Club Membership List with required information, (4) Confirmation that the membership of the Club wishes to seek Miscellaneous Class and full recognition, (5) Update on Dog and Litter Registrations and Titles, (6) Breed Events History through 2021, (7) Club History/List of events conducted or in which the breed has participated, (8) AKKCOA Constitution and Bylaws, (9) Alaskan Klee Kai Breed Standard, (10) Board of Directors and Club Meeting Minutes.  *Added requested Health records and Parent Club Health Statement formatted

per AKC's formatting request.​

*Reviewed AKC suggested modifications to breed standard, held membership meeting on modifications, and a membership vote which approved the adjustments.

American Kennel Club October meeting minutes:  "Alaskan Klee Kai - The Alaskan Klee Kai Club of America requests approval to move the breed into the Miscellaneous Class.  The Board of Directors approved the Alaskan Klee Kai to be eligible for recording in the Foundation Stock Service® (FSS®) program with a Non-Sporting designation in October 2020. The Alaskan Klee Kai Club of America has met the Recognition of New Breeds Board Policy requirements, approved in February 2017. Requirements include an active Parent Club, with serious and expanding breeding activity over a wide geographic area and documented club activity.  Staff recommends that the Alaskan Klee Kai be approved to advance to the Miscellaneous Class, effective June 25, 2025.  This will be discussed further at the November Board meeting."  

   So, while we are not yet approved to move to Misc., the staff is recommending it to the AKC BOD. They will discuss further at next month's meeting. One step closer...

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