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The Alaskan Klee Kai Club of America is committed to breed protection and preservation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to reach out!

Email us at: BOD@AKKCOA.ORG
Meet the
Alaskan Klee Kai Club of America
Board of Directors
(Click each for more information)
Fran Morano

Linda Spurlin, Eileen Gregory,
Chris Shackelford, Jelayne Nygren,
Fran Morano, Terry Wright,
Korine Falk, Sherry Holloway
(with help from others)

Fundraising Chair:
Mary Kane
AKKCOA is a nonprofit club of volunteers so we need your help to be successful.
If you are interested in helping us in any area, please contact the Board of Directors
or the Committee Chairs for any areas you are interested in. Thank you!

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