Alaskan Klee Kai National Rescue, Inc., was formed in 2008 in an effort to have a unified rescue organization responsible for the Alaskan Klee Kai breed. We are an official 501c3 tax exempt public charity and incorporated organization.
Alaskan Klee Kai National Rescue, Inc., is the national rescue organization for the
Alaskan Klee Kai dog breed.
We take in abandoned, abused, neglected, and owner surrendered Alaskan Klee Kai.
We work with other rescues and shelters to find Alaskan Klee Kai suitable forever homes.
We provide foster homes for rescued Alaskan Klee Kai that need a place to stay while
they are waiting for their forever home, as well as work on socialization, training,
and obtain any needed veterinary care. We screen all potential homes carefully,
to ensure each Rescued Alaskan Klee Kai gets its perfect forever home.
Our goal is to help all Alaskan Klee Kai that need to be helped, and help them find wonderful homes where they will be healthy and happy for their entire lifetime.